miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

Don't worry, I'll only read you the good parts*

... My career probably began at the age of three, when I took up watching ant hills and protecting lady bugs. This caused a long interruption in my artistic progress, because my family read it as an interest in science, and directed me to nursing...* 

... Rockefeller Center is a highly trafficked, public space -it is crucial to this piece that the personal nature of the flags (autobiography) be presented in a public space... It is a commemoration, a celebration, a statement of affirmation...*

En el punto inmóvil del mundo en rotación. Ni carnal ni descarnado;
ni desde ni hacia; allí, en el punto inmóvil, está la danza,
ni movimiento ni detención. Y no se diga que es fijo
el lugar que reúne al pasado y al futuro.

(T.S. Eliot, Burnt Norton)

*Ree Morton (1936-1977)

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